From today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, describing a criminal law bill winding its way through the Wisconsin legislature:
The Assembly also will take up a bill meant to protect people from having romantic images later used against them online. So-called revenge porn cases can occur when a jilted lover or other former intimate takes revenge by posting to the Internet nude or otherwise compromising images of his or her ex in an attempt to humiliate that person.
Under current law, there is not necessarily a crime involved if the photo was freely given or consented to while the relationship was still on good terms. The bipartisan bill, passed out of committee Thursday on a 6-1 vote, would make it a Class A misdemeanor subject to up to $10,000 in fines and nine months behind bars to disseminate nude or sexually explicit images without the consent of the person portrayed, even if that person consented to the original image.
Revenge Porn. What a novel new product of the digital age.
Read more from Journal Sentinel: http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/elections-overhaul-revenge-porn-ban-on-gop-legislators-agenda-b99138263z1-231354081.html#ixzz2kMTVV7SC